Monday, May 10, 2010

S.A.M.S Learner

My Strength as a sams learner is:
As a communicator I Socialize with others good but I don't listen as much.
As a self manager I do independent things well but I am never prepared for learning.
For the thinker I can think Creatively but some times I will just take others ideas and make them better.
As a Contributor I don't partisapate in much school events but if it is something I'm good at I shall Contribute.
Last is the Explorer I will try new things but will Probably just give up.

1 comment:

  1. You have mentioned that you don't participate much in school events. When the team was practicing for the Literary Quiz you were in there nearly every lunchtime helping them with their training. I think that sometimes working behind the scenes is just as valuable as being one of the more visible contributors!
