Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life Education

Last week we had life education for you that don't know that is when Harold comes and talks to you about drugs, alcohol and puberty ladder. On the first day of visiting Harold we watched a movie and the name had something with the word shadows in it in that time we also talked about the puberty ladder and that we should delay our decision. The second day we learnt a bit about drugs and the impact it has on our life/future we also learnt about the names and images of some drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, party pills and more we even got a book. On the last day we got to see some disturbing pictures of dunk people and people who took drugs after that we had to watch this other movie and listen to people talk about their past. We also got to meet Harold and this other giraffe called big G he was pretty scary, they sung us a song about all the things we had talked about though out those three days. We learnt a lot of information about life over those three days including the info on drugs alcohol and the puberty ladder. We even had time to play a couple of games of paper scissors rock though we had to stand up and play it instead of sitting down. The reason why little kids don’t get to see big G is because he is scary and he also looks like a girl for some reason.

1 comment:

  1. Nice report on harold abby I actually liked big G cause even though he was scary looking he was AWESOME!!!!
