Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life Education

Last week we had life education for you that don't know that is when Harold comes and talks to you about drugs, alcohol and puberty ladder. On the first day of visiting Harold we watched a movie and the name had something with the word shadows in it in that time we also talked about the puberty ladder and that we should delay our decision. The second day we learnt a bit about drugs and the impact it has on our life/future we also learnt about the names and images of some drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, party pills and more we even got a book. On the last day we got to see some disturbing pictures of dunk people and people who took drugs after that we had to watch this other movie and listen to people talk about their past. We also got to meet Harold and this other giraffe called big G he was pretty scary, they sung us a song about all the things we had talked about though out those three days. We learnt a lot of information about life over those three days including the info on drugs alcohol and the puberty ladder. We even had time to play a couple of games of paper scissors rock though we had to stand up and play it instead of sitting down. The reason why little kids don’t get to see big G is because he is scary and he also looks like a girl for some reason.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Science Fair

Anthea and I have decided to go with the idea of the grass seed. Now all we have to do is decide what we will have as the question and get all the equipment that we need. Then we shall start our experiment and do our hypothesis. After that we have to do our results and conclusion. The way we will get the seeds is probably by calling some garden centers asking if they could give us a handful of seeds and some tips how to grow grass properly. This experiment will be much better than the bubble gum one because it was hardly an experiment in the first place.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Science Fair Update

I just got a few more ideas and I thought that doing one on grass would be good. I thought that we could get like a few types of grass seeds and see what type grows the best. Plus then we might not have to buy anything we could just ask for donations of grass seed as we would only need a bit less than a handful. For the board we could put what one we think would grow the best and put information on the best way to grow your grass/lawn. I think it would be better to this than the bubble gum because the bubble gum is not really an experiment. This way we can have a proper experiment and learn something at the same time. This is my idea of what the board could look like if we did it. Will be having another update tomorrow.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Me and Anthea have decided that we will go a head with the bubble gum idea. Our question is going to be Does the flavour of gum effect how big the bubble will get? On the board we will have our introduction, hypothesis, body/research, conclusion and result. It is going to be so awesome because we will hopefully be able to eat gum in class for the science fair. plus if our question doesn't work out we have back up plans such as what flavour gum lasts the longest, what gum is more cost efficient. I think this is going to be a fun experiment type thing. I shall update again soon.

Science Fair update

For the science fair me and Anthea are going to do something on bubble gum. This is going to be awesome,I think it is going to be called bubble trouble and it will probably look like this. We are going to see how big a bubble we can make with the new 5 gum and hubba bubba. We found this idea on http://www.sciencebob.com/ it is an awesome website with loads of ideas for science fair and it has methods as well. I seriously don't want to do science fair!!!