"Keep on going, you can do it." Two minutes into the race and I am already puffed.
"You need to be in better shape."
"Tell me something I don't know."
Running hard out my lungs feeling like they were going to burst my heart thumping. Thinking to myself, "You've only got 100 metres left to go, hurry up."
Taking on another 50 metres with another 50 to go "you can do it, you cabn do it." I ran hard out huffing and puffing I was going to colaspe.
"No!Just keep running"
"I am going to die, I am going to die."I kept those words running through my head
"one more step then another come on we are almost there. We are in this to win." No those were not the right words since I was coming LAST. Three metres to go, Two, One. "I finished." At last I finished. I finished the 800 metre race.